About The Meet

About The Meet

2024 Meet Highlights

  • Displays of railroad equipment, buildings and modules like you have never seen before.
  • The leading manufacturers and retailers will be at the show, including.
  • A White Elephant table that is to die for!
  • A raffle that will show off some great equipment for you to take a chance on!
About the Meet

In 2022, the Amherst Railway Society decided to fill a model railroad gap in the Northeast corner of the United States  - a large scale model railroad show. With interest in Garden Railroading on the rise and Amherst building their own acre-sized outdoor G-scale railroad, managing and promting a large scale show was an easy decision.

The Northeast Large Scale Train Show is an annual event sponsored by the Amherst Railway Society, and is held in late April. The event features operating model railroads, railroad historical societies, manufacturers and dealers - all in large scales S-scale, O-scale, G-scale, and larger! 

The Amherst Railway Society has used proceeds from all of its show's to support the work of many railroad-related nonprofit organizations. Since 1991, the society has donated $814,373 to railroad preservation and restoration projects all over the country.

Learn more about the Amherst Railway Society at: amherstrail.org.